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Medical Assistance Programs

Medical Assistance Programs

Adult Medicaid

The Adult Medicaid Program provides medical insurance to persons over the age of 65 and persons 64 years old and under with a disability. If you are under the age of 64 and do not have dependent children, you must be determined blind or disabled by Social Security Administration standards to qualify for Medicaid.



64 Years Old & Under

If you are eligible for supplemental security income (SSI) benefits, then you will automatically receive Medicaid. If you have SSI benefits and have not been enrolled in Medicaid, please contact the Custer County Department of Human Services. If you do not have SSI benefits, you will need to apply for these benefits (through the Social Security Administration), in addition to applying for Medicaid.


65 Years Old & Older

If you are age 65 or older and eligible for SSI and/or Old Age Pension (OAP) state supplemental payments, you will be eligible for Medicaid.


How to Apply

Pick up an application from our office, call to have one mailed to you, or apply online. Bring the completed application for assistance and all required documents into our office. Applications cannot be processed without all required documents, which include:

  • Proof of identity (driver's license, birth certificate, U.S. passport, military ID, etc.)

  • Proof of income (pay stubs, verification of SSI benefits, pensions, etc.)

  • Proof of expenses (child support paid, rent / mortgage, medical costs, etc.)

  • Proof of resources (bank statements, individual retirement account, stocks, bonds, life insurance and burial policies, etc.)

Additionally, individuals 64 years old and younger, who have a disability, need to complete the Medicaid Disability Application.


Application Process Period

Applications will be processed within 45-90 days from the date our office receives your completed application and all required documents.


Family Medicaid & Child Health Plan Plus



Colorado Medicaid is public health insurance for Colorado families, children, and pregnant women. Families and pregnant women who apply will also be considered for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). The program you qualify for depends on family size, income, and the age of the applicant.



CHP+ is a low-cost health insurance program for uninsured Colorado children and pregnant women whose families earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private insurance. When you apply, you are applying for both Family Medicaid and CHP+. The program you qualify for depends on family size, income, and the age of the applicant.



Check if you may be eligible by using the Program Eligibility Application Kit (PEAK) tool.


How to Apply

Pick up an application from our office, call to have one mailed to you, or apply online. If you are only applying for medical coverage, complete this application.

If you are applying for medical coverage and a cash assistance program (i.e. food assistance or Colorado Works / Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)) complete this application for assistance.

Bring the completed application and all required documents into our office. Applications cannot be processed without all required documents, which include:

  • Proof of identity (driver's license, ID card, resident card, U.S. passport)

  • Proof of citizenship (U.S. birth certificate, U.S. passport, certificate of naturalization)

  • Social Security cards for all household members

  • Proof of pregnancy, if applicable


Application Process Period

Medicaid applications will be processed within 45 days from the date our office receives your completed application and all required documents.​


​Medicare Savings Program


The Medicare Savings Program (MSP) assists with health care costs for eligible Medicare Part A patients. The program can assist with monthly Medicare premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance.



To be eligible for the MSP, applicants may have a monthly income up to $1,010 - $1,208 for an individual or $1,355 - $1,622 for a couple. Your assets will need to be below $8,780 for an individual and $13,930 for a couple.


How to Apply

Pick up an application from our office, call to have one mailed to you, or print an application online. Bring the completed application for assistance and all required documents into our office. Applications cannot be processed without all required documents, which include:

  • Proof of identity (driver's license, birth certificate, U.S. passport, military ID, etc.)

  • Proof of income (pay stubs, verification of Social Security income, benefits, pensions, etc.)

  • Proof of resources (bank statements, individual retirement account, stocks, bonds, life insurance and burial policies)

  • Social Security card

  • Medicare Card


Application Process Period

MSP applications will be processed within 90 days from the date our office receives your completed application and all required documents.

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